Democrats "are not Reasonable Accommodation"

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Chairman of the Supervisory Commission of the Democratic Party declared TB Silalahi money in politics is one of the party congress. Therefore, the Democrats call Diana Maringka who admitted receiving money totaling nearly U.S. $ 10 thousand.
"Who said money politics is fair? That's not true, "said TB Silalahi in the Office of the Democrats, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 21, 2012. But he cautioned, could be the issue of money politics in the Democratic Congress exaggerated by certain parties.
According to him, money transportation and meal allowances as part of the congress participants accommodation can not be counted as money politics. But when the meal allowance is reached U.S. $ 10 thousand of the kind described Diana, it's certainly not true.
"That's what we ask for proof of Diana. If that's fair, we certainly would not call him, "said TB Silalahi. He did not want to speculate about the possibility of Diana backed parties who want to worsen the image of the Democrats in the public eye.
"Diana was the right person, innocent. I have not thought of that. Later we will explore, "says Democratic Secretary of the Board of Honour. He also called on all parties not wishing for money politics in the Democratic Congress. "Just follow the inspection procedure," said TB Silalahi.
In the review by the Commission for the Democrats, Diana was accompanied by three of his colleagues who came from Democrats Sitaro DPC, Sanger, and Bolmut. All from Sulawesi.
Acknowledgment Diana
Diana told him before the branch and 11 Democrats in North Sulawesi to get money from a successful team Anas. According to him, they gathered at the hotel and called one by one to receive the money.
"Stages of administration. First I was given Rp30 million. Then the second U.S. $ 2,000. The third provision is given on election day, U.S. $ 5,000, "says Diana. He added that the money was not accepted by the board only Democrat of North Sulawesi, but also participants from other areas of congressional Democrats.
In addition to money given in the form of yen and dollar, Diana also claimed to be a successful team of BlackBerry Gemini by Anas. Provision of mobile phones was given before the congress. "All participants were able to Blackberry from Anas team," he said.
However, the former chairman of Anas who is also a successful team member Board of Trustees of the Democratic Party, Ahmad Mubarok, Diana denied the allegation. "It's definitely one to engineer," he said. Saan Mustofa Wasekjen Democrats also rejected the existence of money politics in the Democratic Congress.
"As I understand it as a congress participant, no money or political transactional politics. That there is a rational politics and political ideas, "said Saan.

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